Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011
peacecamp 2011: Solidarität am Ginkgo-Baum
peacecamp, 22:38h

peacecamp 2011: Solidarität am Ginkgo-Baum
Jüdisch-israelische, arabisch-israelische, ungarische und österreichische Jugendliche im Spannungsfeld zwischen Selbstbestimmung und Solidarität
4. – 14. Juli 2011 in Reibers/Waldviertel und in Wien
Rund um den Ginkgo-Baum in der kleinen Ortschaft Reibers im Waldviertel setzen sich je zehn Jugendliche aus vier Nationen mit Fragen der eigenen Identität und ihrer Einstellung zu Anderen auseinander.
Aus ihrer Heimat bringen sie Gedanken und Anschauungsmaterial zu ihrer persönlichen, nationalen und religiösen Identität mit, die sie während der 11-tägigen Begegnung in kreative Formen gießen und an letzten beiden Tagen einem größeren Publikum in Reibers und in Wien darstellen werden.
Zur Überwindung von Sprachbarrieren wird ein multikulturelles Team aus KünstlerInnen und (Kunst-)TherapeutInnen mit den Jugendlichen Kommunikationsformen entwickeln, die über die Grenzen der Sprache hinausgehen und geeignet sind, der Erlebniswelt Anderer Sinne und Herz zu öffnen.
Gespräche mit den Ortsbewohnern sowie ein Ausflug zum einstigen Eisernen Vorhang an der österreichisch-tschechischen Grenze sollen eine zusätzliche Dimension der Begegnung mit „Fremden“ vor ihrem (zeit)geschichtlichen Hintergrund be-greifbar machen und beide, Gäste wie Gastgeber, zu einer Reflexion über die eigene und die „fremde“ Gruppe anregen.
Eine psychoanalytische Selbsterfahrungsgruppe soll das Erlebte einer Reflexion zugänglich machen, vier Kulturabende ein lustvolles Kennenlernen der beteiligten Nationen und Kulturen ermöglichen; Arbeit mit dem Mikrophon, im Rampenlicht, vor und hinter der Videokamera sollen zu einem verbesserten Selbstbild und zu mehr Selbstrespekt beitragen und die als „Botschafter des Friedens“ heimkehrenden jungen TeilnehmerInnen gegen Xenophobie und Rassismus impfen.
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Peacecamp 2011: Around the ginkgo tree

peacecamp, 22:35h
Peacecamp 2011: Around the ginkgo tree
Jewish-Israeli, Arab-Israeli, Hungarian and Austrian Youth between self-determination and solidarity
July 4th-14th, 2011 in Reibers/Waldviertel and in Vienna
Youth from Austria, Hungary and Jewish and Arab young people from Israel will meet for 11 days around a ginkgo tree in the small village of Reibers in Lower Austria and discuss issues of their own identity and their relation to each other.
They will bring their own thoughts, ideas and gadgets to illustrate their personal, religious, cultural and national identities and will share these with each other, using creative tools to bridge communication gaps due to the lack of a common culture and language.
A team of artists, teachers and (art-)therapists will help them develop forms of communication apt to to share their experience with one another and to impart this to a larger audience, in Reibers as well as in Vienna.
Talks with the inhabitants of Reibers, a visit to the former Iron Curtain at the Czech-Austrian border and the shared time together will challenge both, hosts and visitors to reflect and check their attitudes towards borders between nations, religions and people.
Psychoanalytic group sessions will offer opportunities to reflect upon the attitudes and feelings evoked in this context; creative experience with artistic tools, trying out new modes of expression via the microphone, the video camera, a stage, an audience will hopefully foster the self-image and self-respect of the participants and provide them with a protective screen against racism and xenophobia.
Jewish-Israeli, Arab-Israeli, Hungarian and Austrian Youth between self-determination and solidarity
July 4th-14th, 2011 in Reibers/Waldviertel and in Vienna
Youth from Austria, Hungary and Jewish and Arab young people from Israel will meet for 11 days around a ginkgo tree in the small village of Reibers in Lower Austria and discuss issues of their own identity and their relation to each other.
They will bring their own thoughts, ideas and gadgets to illustrate their personal, religious, cultural and national identities and will share these with each other, using creative tools to bridge communication gaps due to the lack of a common culture and language.
A team of artists, teachers and (art-)therapists will help them develop forms of communication apt to to share their experience with one another and to impart this to a larger audience, in Reibers as well as in Vienna.
Talks with the inhabitants of Reibers, a visit to the former Iron Curtain at the Czech-Austrian border and the shared time together will challenge both, hosts and visitors to reflect and check their attitudes towards borders between nations, religions and people.
Psychoanalytic group sessions will offer opportunities to reflect upon the attitudes and feelings evoked in this context; creative experience with artistic tools, trying out new modes of expression via the microphone, the video camera, a stage, an audience will hopefully foster the self-image and self-respect of the participants and provide them with a protective screen against racism and xenophobia.
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Samstag, 24. Juli 2010
the logo of peacecamp 2010

created by the participants of peacecamp 2010

created by the participants of peacecamp 2010
peacecamp, 04:33h
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Donnerstag, 22. Juli 2010
this was the show
film by Gerald Muthsam
film by Gerald Muthsam
peacecamp, 04:16h
Reibers4peace Part 1/6
Reibers4peace Part 2/6
Reibers4peace Part 3/6
Reibers4peace Part 4/6
Reibers4peace Part 5/6
Reibers4peace Part 6/6
Reibers4peace Part 2/6
Reibers4peace Part 3/6
Reibers4peace Part 4/6
Reibers4peace Part 5/6
Reibers4peace Part 6/6
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