Sonntag, 30. Mai 2010
Bath-Sahaw Baranow, Birth Date 16.02.1994

AHS Heustadelgasse
Participant of peacecamp 2010
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you?

I think the word peace describes the ability of people to live together in a world with as little conflicts as possible. Of course I understand that it would be utopia to suggest a society without conflicts, but I think we can avoid them by talking to each other and not forcing fights in a violent way. I think peace means to accept each other, it doesn’t mean everyone has to be friends, but at least we should respect the other ones rights and needs.

2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in our world?

I think money and borders play important parts in the circle of war and peace, because it may occur that a fight in a global background starts because of different opinions, or as in many examples from history visible, because of religions, but what usually follows is just the expansion of the problem on other fields (land).

3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

Maybe my work for a student’s page of a newspaper tries to unite, I wrote some articles on the topic of peace and intercultural dialogue, but I don’t think this is enough. I think it is important to react, when we even occasionally hear an attack against someone in the underground and react. In my opinion watching is as bad as committing an offense. What might be very important also is to discuss and try to talk to people with different opinions or views on certain topics.

4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

Probably dialogue is important in every context, so I think it is for myself very important to work on that and to make peace visible, because what we hear and see in the media over the day are mostly negative news, so I’d try to make peace work public and show everyone that there does exist an alternative called peace.

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