Montag, 31. Mai 2010

BENCE FÓTI, Birth Date 1992.12.20
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you?

I think world peace means -what else- peace in the world. It has two readings. The first is when there' s no wars between the countrys of the world. The second is the smaller peace, between the people of the world.

2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in our world?

Albert Einstein once said : “So long as there are men there will be wars”, and I totally agree with it. There 'll always be someone who 'll want more than he 's given to.

3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?

I haven 't fought for anything (mainly not for peace – what a paradox). I haven 't done anything against someone else. I'm trying to convince people around me to live a peaceful life.

4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?

The only way is to convince everyone. I can help in it.

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