Donnerstag, 3. Juni 2010
Accompanying teacher of the Hungarian group:
My name is Szilvia Kneusel, I am 33 years old and I live in Budapest, Hungary. In Budapest I work as an English teacher at Szent László High School. I have been teaching at this school for eleven years. I don’t only teach here but I also take part in different projects and student exchanges. I have been to Danmark and Italy with different groups and participated in an EU project with Italy.
I, myself also spent a year in the USA as an exchange student during my high school years so I experienced what it is like being a stranger somewhere.
I am married, my husband teaches French though not at the same school. We don’t have children yet so until that we enjoy being with other children/students.
In my free time I like travelling (I have travelled all over Europe, the USA and also Israel), reading, listening to music and going on excursions.

On this picture with teachers from peacecamp 2008, Szilvia Kneusel is the first one on the left side

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